New York Public Library Project

NCCP has partnered with the New York Public Library to identify strengths and areas that may need additional support in its Storytime Program which serves families with young children. In an initial study, NCCP assisted with the design and analysis of NYPL’s annual parent survey given to parents who attend Storytime with their child, interviewed Storytime librarians, and at a small number of branch libraries, observed Storytime sessions and later interviewed parents recruited at these sites. Among the findings of this pilot study were parent reports that Storytime is an important activity that helps develop their child’s love of books and familiarity with play and learning in a group setting. Parents appreciated Storytime as an enjoyable activity that helps reduce their social isolation. Survey findings also identified the need for outreach strategies to reach families who have less experience visiting libraries, including parents who speak a home language other than English. 

For more information about New York Public Library Project, please contact: 
Sheila Smith, PhD