Early Childhood Two-Generation State Policy Profiles

Early Childhood Two-Generation State Policy Profiles provide a unique state-by-state picture of the population of young children and the choices each state makes about key policies that affect their health, development, and long-term success.  This project produces two online resources for policymakers, advocates, and others who work to strengthen state programs and policies for young children and their families.

Early Childhood Two-Generation State Policy Profiles show which state policies meet benchmarks favorable to the well-being of children and their families. The profiles spotlight policies that are key elements of a two-generation approach to supporting the well-being and life opportunities of young children and their parents in the areas of health, early care and education, and parenting and economic support. The profiles are regularly updated and can be used to assess and consider ways to strengthen current policy choices that can affect young children’s health, development and school readiness.

Funded by Alliance for Early Success

Project Publications

For more information about Improving the Odds for Young Children, please contact:

Sheila Smith, PhD
National Center for Children in Poverty
215 West 125th Street, 3rd floor
New York, NY 10027
(646) 284-9643