This project aims to support families’ economic mobility. Small increases in families’ earning may lead to losses of key public benefit supports, including tax credits and safety net programs (e.g., Medicaid, SNAP, Child Care Subsidies). The marginal tax rate calculator (MTRC) will be used by families and caseworkers to estimate available federal, state, and local public benefit supports. It provides families with projections of their net resources (earnings + public benefit support – expenses) as their incomes rises. The MTRC will reduce the guesswork that families and caseworkers face when making financial decisions, including generating estimates of how childcare costs may rise after taking on a new job, and what resources can help families cover those increases in expenses.
This project is funded by the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NCCP is working on this project with the Manhattan Strategy Group, the prime contractor for this work.
Project Staff
Seth Hartig, MA, Senior Research Associate
Suma Setty, MPH, Senior Research Associate
Seth Hartig