State-level Indicators for Social-emotional Development: Building Better Systems

Learn about our Project Thrive project. This is an excerpt from the full report. Introduction Research repeatedly suggests that experiences and skills acquired early in life have a long lasting effect. Many interventions that promote social-emotional well-being and preventing mental health problems in children and their caregivers are clinically sound and cost effective. Social-emotional well-being […]

Environmental Health in Early Childhood Systems Building: Opportunities for States

Learn about our Project Thrive project. This is an excerpt from the full report. Introduction Exposure to environmental hazards has negative outcomes for healthy child development. Household and community pollutants affect people of all ages, but for a number of important reasons young children face a significantly higher risk of developing disease and experiencing cognitive […]

Improving Supports for Parents of Young Children: State-level Initiatives

Learn about our Project Thrive project. This is an excerpt from the full report. Introduction Most states are working to strengthen supports for young children’s health and development across the different systems that affect family and child wellbeing. Increasingly, efforts to support parenting are an important focus of this work. While states’ strategies are varied, […]

Indicators for Social-emotional Development in Early Childhood: A Guide for Local Stakeholders

Learn about our Project Thrive project. Introduction Social-emotional development in young children encompasses how young children feel about themselves, how they behave and how they relate to people close to them, such as caregivers, teachers, and peers. Although infant and early childhood mental health are often used in the same way, the term social-emotional development […]