Settlement House American Rescue Plan (SHARP) Impact Study Wave 2 Brief

The Study NCCP contributed to the design and implementation of the Settlement House American Recovery Plan (SHARP) Impact Study, a mixed-method study of parents at New York City settlement houses from 2021-23, during the pandemic recovery period. The Study focused on access to the Expanded Child Tax Credit and other programs available through the ARP. […]

Benefit Cliffs Affecting Kentucky Families and Related Policy Recommendations

NCCP’s report on Benefit Cliffs Affecting Kentucky Families and Related Policy Recommendations includes estimated costs of benefit cliffs to parents and their children and, more broadly, the negative impacts of the cliffs on the economic health of the state. Based on the results and existing guidelines of state-specific benefit policies, the report presents recommendations for […]

Improving Participation in High-Quality Early Care and Education for Young Arkansas Children: Perspectives of Resource Parents and Early Childhood Educators

High-quality early care and education (ECE) provides a developmentally supportive environment for children in foster care that can help address early adversities, but recent studies have shown low levels of ECE participation among these children (Klein et al., 2016; Lee, 2020). To address this important issue, the Arkansas Office of Early Childhood (OEC) is collaborating […]

A New Approach to Supporting the Quality of Early Care and Education Programs in Arkansas: Case Studies of Array

A recently launched professional development initiative in Arkansas, called Array, is designed to proactively identify early care and education (ECE) programs that could benefit from social-emotional-focused (SE-focused) professional development and support, and to offer assistance tailored to a program’s particular needs. Because Array is designed to initiate contact with ECE programs, it has the potential […]

Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health in Home Visiting Programs Serving Diverse Families: Promising Strategies to Support Child and Family Well-Being

Given the central importance of positive parent and infant-early childhood mental health to children’s long-term mental health and development, it is important to examine a wide range of approaches that show promise for strengthening supports for parent and infant-early childhood mental health in home visiting programs, especially programs serving diverse families. This report provides a […]

Medicaid Policies to Help Young Children Access Key Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Services: Results from a 50-State Survey

This report presents results of a 50-state policy survey conducted by the National Center for Children in Poverty, Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy Center for Children and Families, and Johnson Policy Consulting. The survey asked state Medicaid agency leaders about Medicaid policies related to screenings and services designed to identify, prevent, and treat […]

The Impact of Direct Cash Transfers on Federally Funded Cash Assistance and Food Assistance Among Young Adults at Risk of or Experiencing Homelessness

NCCP staff were selected as scholars to contribute to a toolkit published by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago supporting efforts to provide unconditional direct cash transfers (DCTs) to young adults experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. The chapter that NCCP staff contributed focused on the impact that DCTs might have on […]

Child Welfare and Early Intervention: Policies and Practices to Promote Collaboration and Help Infants and Toddlers Thrive

Based on case studies in three states (CO, RI, and TX), this brief examines promising strategies to address the developmental and mental health needs of infants and toddlers involved in Child Welfare (CW). Due to family adversities, trauma, maltreatment, and separation from primary caregivers, these infants and toddlers are at substantial risk of poor social-emotional, […]

Settlement House American Rescue Plan (SHARP) Impact Study Wave 1 Brief

The Study NCCP contributed to the design and implementation of the Settlement House American Recovery Plan (SHARP) Impact Study, a mixed-method study of parents at New York City settlement houses from 2021-23, during the pandemic recovery period. The Study focused on access to the Expanded Child Tax Credit and other programs available through the ARP. […]

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and Early Intervention (Part C): Policies and Practices for Supporting the Social and Emotional Development and Mental Health of Infants and Toddlers in the Context of Parent-Child Relationships

NCCP in collaboration with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) has released a new report for their series on infant and early childhood mental health. This report details policies and practices for supporting the social and emotional development and mental health of infants and toddlers in the context of parent-child relationships.