Coaching and Quality Assistance in Quality Rating Improvement Systems: Approaches Used by TA Providers to Improve Quality in Early Care and Education Programs and Home-based Settings

This is an excerpt from the full report. Introduction Quality Rating Improvement Systems (QRISs) commonly offer on-site technical assistance (TA) and coaching to help early care and education settings achieve quality improvements and a higher QRIS rating. In surveys of administrators overseeing statewide QRISs, almost all states reported the use of on-site TA and coaching […]

Putting the Pieces Together: New York Early Learning Program Data Systems

Learn about our Project Thrive project.  Across the country, states are recognizing the great value of coordinated data systems to inform and improve their early childhood policies and programs. Prepared for New York’s Early Childhood Advisory Council, this report represents a big first step toward creation of a coordinated early childhood data system for that […]

Features of Professional Development and On-site Assistance in Child Care Quality Rating Improvement Systems: A Survey of State-wide Systems

This is an excerpt from the full report. Quality Rating Improvement Systems (QRIS) are now operating state-wide in 18 states. An additional 13 states are implementing QRIS in selected regions or as pilot initiatives. While highly varied in their specific features, these systems all use a set of interrelated strategies that aim to raise the […]

Promoting Young Children’s Health and Development: Taking Stock of State Policies

Learn about our Improving the Odds for Young Children project. Young children’s health is essential to their overall development, well-being, and school readiness. Untreated health problems and a lack of preventive care contribute to higher rates of serious illness, absenteeism in preschool, physical and emotional distress, and even long-term disability. At a historic moment when […]