Present, Engaged, and Accounted For: The Critical Importance of Addressing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades

Executive Summary At the core of school improvement and education reform is an assumption so widely understood that it is rarely invoked: students have to be present and engaged in order to learn. That is why the discovery that thousands of our youngest students are at academically at-risk because of extended absences when they first […]

Making Work Pay for Iowa’s Families

Learn about our Making Work Supports Work project. Executive Summary Almost a third of Iowa’s children live in low-income families struggling to make ends meet. “Work supports” – such as earned income tax credits (EITCs), public health insurance, and child care assistance – can help such families close the gap between low wages and the […]

Staying Afloat in Tough Times: What States Are and Aren’t Doing to Promote Family Economic Security

Learn about our Making Work Supports Work project. This is an excerpt from the full report. These are challenging economic times for America’s families. Low- and moderate-income workers are seeing their wages stagnate or decline, while the cost of basic necessities continues to rise. The economy is losing jobs, unemployment rates are rising, families are […]

Demographics of Family, Friend, and Neighbor Child Care in the United States

Learn about our Research Connections project. This research brief is part of a Research Connections’ Review of Research package. For more in-depth information on the topic see the accompanying Literature Review. What We Know Family, friend, and neighbor (FFN) child care (also referred to as informal care, home-based care, kith and kin care, kin care, […]

State Indicators for Early Childhood: Short Take No. 7

Learn about our Project Thrive project. Virtually all State Early Childhood Comprehensive System Initiatives have adopted or identified indicators for monitoring program performance and child outcomes related to early childhood systems. These are primarily based on nationally recommended indicators or on state initiatives. However, although a functional set of indicators is needed to monitor progress […]

A View from the Field: Promoting Tolerance and Respect for Diversity in Early Childhood

Learn about our Social Inclusion & Respect for Diversity project. This publication is part of NCCP’s earlier project: Promoting Tolerance and Respect for Diversity in Early Childhood. Other publications in this series are the Report of a Meeting, June 25, 2007 and Annotated Bibliography. Executive Summary As part of our initiative, “Promoting Tolerance and Respect […]

Report of a Meeting, June 25, 2007: Promoting Tolerance and Respect for Diversity in Early Childhood

Learn about our Social Inclusion & Respect for Diversity project. This publication is part of NCCP’s earlier project: Promoting Tolerance and Respect for Diversity in Early Childhood. Other publications in this series are the Annotated Bibliography and A View From the Field. This is an excerpt from the full report. Key Findings in Brief There […]

Towards Better Behavioral Health for Children, Youth and their Families: Financing that Supports Knowledge

Learn about our Unclaimed Children Revisited project. Executive Summary The money trail in children’s behavioral health leads to strange and unexpected places. In a time of more and more information about effective practice and historically high levels of child behavioral health funding, it leads to community-level service shortages and poor quality combined with inadequate mechanisms […]

Reducing Maternal Depression and Its Impact on Young Children: Toward a Responsive Early Childhood Policy Framework

Learn about our Project Thrive project. Executive Summary Maternal depression is a significant risk factor affecting the well-being and school readiness of young children. Low-income mothers of young children experience particularly high levels of depression, often in combination with other risk factors. This policy brief provides an overview of why it is so important to […]

The Influence of Maternal & Family Risk on Chronic Absenteeism in Early Schooling

This is an excerpt from the full report. This analysis is part of Pathways to Early School Success, a project central to NCCP’s larger goal to promote strategies that improve the social, emotional and physical health of low-income children in the U.S. An extensive body of research in the past two decades has established the […]